Melissa Herrmann
Ms. Herrmann is President of SSRS, the largest of the four AUS operating units. Her work has spanned market and public policy research for the media, foundations, educational institutions, non-profits, the government, and major corporations. She is responsible for the successful design and execution of all research endeavors of SSRS.
Ms. Herrmann joined AUS in 1998 as an account manager at International Communications Research, Inc. (ICR) (International Communications Research, Inc. became SSRS in 2008), was promoted to Vice President, then Executive Vice President of ICR before being named President of SSRS.
Prior to joining AUS, Ms. Herrmann was Project Manager and Research Associate at Chilton Research Services where she worked on political polling, academic and government surveys, and a wide array of other research projects.
Ms. Herrmann is involved with the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR). She has worked on the conference committee, membership committee, and is currently a member of the Transparency Initiative. Melissa was the AAPOR Education Committee Chair and very actively involved with both conference short courses as well as the inaugural AAPOR webinars. She is a member of PANJAAPOR. She is also a member of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and is on the board of the Consortium of Social Science Associations. She has written articles and presented conference papers on methodological research issues as well as topics of interest. Her publications in New England Journal of Medicine, Health Affairs, and Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Science, have been based on collaborations with research partners.
Ms. Herrmann’s academic background includes an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania and a double major B.A. in Journalism/Mass Communications and Psychology.